Random thoughts, ideas, nonsensical babble, rants, praises, gripes.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


   I drove my daughter to school today, taking the usual route. While waiting at a red light behind a pick-up, about to turn left, a full sized big rig was trying to make a right turn to come down the road I was on. He couldn't make the turn, as it was quite tight and the curb and a light pole were pushed all the way to the corner. As a courtesy I backed up about 30 feet, expecting the pickup in front of me to do the same so the truck could make the turn. The pickup never moved an inch, as a matter of fact even seeing this huge rig sitting in a half cocked ready-to-turn position, the pickup even crept forward some more.
   Even my daughter Katie said "how rude is that.." and was equally as annoyed with the pickup driver's ineptitude. The big rig basically had to stay in the intersection, with his nose to the nose of the pickup(it should be noted that the pickup was approaching the light while the big rig was ALREADY starting his turn). The truck driver never lost his cool, but I could see him motion to the pickup driver at least twice to 'please back up', to no avail. It was like he didn't even see this giant truck trying to make the turn. Now our light was green, but of course, the pickup can't move, because the big rig is in the intersection trying to turn. What does the pickup do? he steers right, drives up on the sidewalk and slowly drives through the intersection, making a left. I stayed back to let the trucker finish his maneuver(he rolled down his window to thank me with a smile on his face, as we exchanged our amazement at the pickup driver), and I barely made the green light.
   No big deal. As a truck driver myself, I can vouch for the frustration a driver feels when a "4 wheeler" as we call them either doesn't care, or is oblivious to the extra space ,time, and safety required of a big rig driver, especially in a tight city street like those here in Sanford, Florida.
   We all have different levels of attention, stress, and emotions, but I will only go so far as to say that as you go about your daily routine, it would make every one's life easier if you try to pay attention to the people around you. We all have to 'maneuver' around each other on this overpopulated rock called Earth, and a little common courtesy goes a long way. Besides, the old adage is quite accurate- What goes around comes around. Spread the love, and love will come your way. My grandfather Al used to say "It's nice to be nice, so be nice." So true. Be safe out there.